
What are Green Dots?

So what exactly is a Green Dot? A green dot is any choice, behavior, word or attitude that promotes safety for everyone and communicates intolerance for power based personal violence in our community. A green dot is anything you do to make our community safer.

Green Dot GraphicGreen dots can be PROACTIVE or REACTIVE.

Proactive Green Dots: Little things you do to make it less likely that violence, or a red dot, will ever happen. This could include you having a conversation with a friend about your stance against violence, wearing green dot gear, or posting an update on social media that violence is not acceptable in the  community.

Reactive Green Dots: The choices you make in response to a situation that you think might be high risk or might eventually lead to something high risk. This could include you stepping in when you notice something not quite right in the student neighborhood, walking a friend home when they've had too much to drink to be sure they make it home safely, or telling a friend to back off when you know the other person is not interested.

Learn more about Reactive Green Dots at our Green Dot Training.

  • A green dot is any behavior, choice, word, or attitude that promotes safety for everyone and communicates utter intolerance for rape, partner violence, and stalking.
  • A green dot is intervening in a high risk situation;
  • A green dot is talking to your friends about how you feel about violence on campus;
  • A green dot is posting green dots on your Facebook page;
  • A green dot is hanging a prevention poster in your room;
  • A green dot is wearing your green dot gear;
  • A green dot is putting a link on your website to your local prevention program;
  • A green dot is organizing a training for your campus organization.
  • A green dot is simply your individual choice at any given moment to make our campus safer.
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