
Cross Campus Connection (CCC)

The Cross-Campus Connection (CCC) requirement allows students to be intentional about the courses they are taking and the experiential learning they are doing to complete their Connections requirements. Each CCC links three courses together from three different academic programs (as identified by distinct prefixes (e.g., DATA, COMP, and MATH, 10 credits minimum) together around a particular focus area or theme. Each CCC will also provide a list of suggested experiential learning opportunities that are connected to the theme鈥攁n experiential learning opportunity is not required, but such activities do count as an LO1 and can complement your CCC.

Interdisciplinary majors and minors that connect courses from at least three different programs satisfy the CCC requirement: Women's Studies, Environmental Science, Entrepreneurship, Health Science, Justice, Law, & Public Policy, Marine Science, International Studies, East Asian StudiesInformation Systems, Pre-Modern and Ancient World Studies, and African and Diaspora Studies.

Have an idea for a theme that isn鈥檛 an established CCC? Don鈥檛 worry, you can design your own!

Note that all CCCs must be discussed with and have approval from your advisor. Please meet with your advisor to discuss your ideas and fill out the form below. Then return the form to the Registrar's Office.

Cross Campus Connections Declaration Form

The Advocacy CCC theme includes courses that require students to think critically about privilege, power, and marginalization across populations and throughout history. Courses examine multiple theories and perspectives related to race, gender, wealth, poverty, and representation. Students will explore connections between these characteristics and understand relationships between populations and how they are privileged or marginalized.

Course offerings (choose three from three different departments)

  • CMDM 206: Reasoning and Communication
  • EDUC 103: Sociological Perspectives in Education
  • EDUC 372: Critical Pedagogy and Social Change
  • SOCI 280: Animals and Society
  • SOCI 290: Global Change
  • SOCI 330: Wealth, Power, and Poverty
  • SOCI 355: Juvenile Delinquency

Suggested experiential learning opportunities

  • CCUE 100 sites including Project Women, Springfield Foundation, or Springfield Promise Neighborhood
  • Hagen Center internship

Digital media includes the study of forms of communication (e.g., video, audio, software, content) that are created, edited, stored, or accessed in machine-readable formats. Digital media can refer to the technical features including storage and transmission of information, or to the end product including media such as digital video and audio, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, social media, and digital art.

Course offerings (choose three from three different departments)

  • ART 145 鈥 Intro to computer imaging
  • ART 242 鈥 Intro to digital photography
  • Art 245 鈥 Digital imaging
  • ART 271 鈥 Graphic design
  • ART 280 TA ST 鈥 Graphic design
  • ART 280 TB ST 鈥 Web design
  • BUSN 343 鈥 Digital Marketing
  • CMDM 205 鈥 Media literacy
  • CMDM 220--Podcasting: Digital Story
  • CMDM 320 TA ST 鈥揜elationships & technology
  • CMDM 355 鈥 Social Mediaand its effects
  • MUSI 214 鈥 Electronic music production
  • RELI 116 鈥 Fake news, forgeries, & frauds

Suggested experiential learning opportunities

  • Internships/projects with Athletics Communications and University Communications. 

The Education Foundations: Social Studies CCC includes courses that provide foundational knowledge for a career as a Social Studies teacher.

Course offerings (choose courses from three different departments)

  • EDUC 103: Sociological Perspectives in Education
  • EDUC 104: Philosophical Perspectives in Education
  • EDUC 105: Educational Psychology
  • EDUC 120: Introduction to Students with Special Needs
  • HIST 106: The Modern World
  • HIST 121: United States History I
  • HIST 122: United States History II
  • HIST 127: United States History Since 1945
  • POLI 101: American National Government
  • POLI 102: Introduction to Comparative Politics

Suggested experiential learning opportunities:

CCUE sites such as the Heritage Center, On-the-Rise

The engineering CCC includes course that provide foundational knowledge necessary as you prepare for a career in engineering. Additionally, these courses serve as pre-requisite courses for Wittenberg鈥檚 3-2 programs in engineering at Case Western Reserve University or Columbia University.

Course offerings (choose three from three different departments)

  • CHEM 162: Models of Chemical Systems II
  • PHYS 203: Calculus-Based Physics II
  • MATH 212: Multivariable calculus
  • MATH 215: Differential equations
  • COMP 150: Computer Programming
  • ECON 200: Principles of Economics
  • ENGL 101: College Writing and Research

Suggested experiential learning opportunities

  • Mentored research
  • Internships

The Film Studies CCC will introduce students to cinema as an art form and focus on its history and development and the expressive elements of film, including mise-en-sc猫ne, cinematography, editing, dialogue, and music. 

Course offerings (choose three from three different departments)

  • ART 241: Introduction to Photography 
  • ART 242: Introduction to Digital Photography 
  • ART 280TE: History of Photography 
  • AFDS 270TB: Black Diaspora in Film 
  • CHIN 130: Literature and Film of Chinese Homosexuality 
  • CHIN 151: Film and Fiction in Modern China 
  • CMDM 350: Feminist Film Theory 
  • ENGL 180TG: Film Noir 
  • ENGL 180TI: Jane Goes to the Movies 
  • ENGL 180TM: Screening the 19th Century 
  • ENGL 180TN: Vampires in Fiction and Film 
  • ENGL 190TB: Native American Literature and Film 
  • ENGL 343: Advanced Screenwriting 
  • GERM 140TA: Germany and the Cinematic Imagination 
  • HIST 129: American Film 
  • MUSI 215: Music in Film
  • RELI 120: Demons, Angels, and Ghosts 
  • RUSS 151: Russian War in Film  
  • RUSS 230TB: Russian Movie Classics 
  • RUSS 230TC: Russian Movies Today 
  • SOCI 201: Japanese Cinema: Art, Culture, Self 
  • SPAN 263: Cine y cambio social 
  • SPAN 427: The Silver Screen 

Maintaining both physical and psychological health is an ultimate goal and ongoing struggle both from the individual and societal perspective. The Health and Well-Being theme will provide opportunities to learn about basic physical and psychological health from a variety of perspectives.

Course offerings (choose three from three different departments)

  • BIOL 104: Born to Run
  • BIOL 114: From Conception to Birth
  • BIOL 129/229: Science Behind Addiction
  • BIOL 220: Neurobiology
  • CMDM 327: Health Communication
  • ENGL 355: Narrative Medicine
  • HONR 300: Psychology of Happiness
  • HONR 300: Chronic Illness and the Healthcare System
  • HSS 170: Intro to Exercise Science
  • HSS 250: Nutrition
  • PHIL 207: Science in a Social Context
  • POLI 203: The Politics of Health Care
  • PSYC 212: Health Psychology
  • RELI 213: Religion and Medicine

Suggested experiential learning opportunities

  • Civic Engagement/Internship in hospital, clinic, or private practice
  • Public health department
  • YMCA or Boys and Girls club
  • Community garden
  • Community Health Foundation
  • United Senior Services (help with health clinics, etc.)
  • HSS research

Intercultural Studies -- The intercultural studies theme brings together courses that focus on global perspectives and international cultural understanding. These courses assist in preparing students to become engaged global citizens and offer the opportunity for comparative studies of diverse cultures from around the world.

Course offerings (choose from 3 different departments):

  • BUSN 250: International Business
  • CHIN 100 Introduction to Chinese Culture
  • CHIN 111 Beginning Chinese I
  • CHIN 112 Beginning Chinese II
  • CHIN 130 Chinese topics
  • CHIN 151 Modern Chinese Film and Fiction
  • CHIN 211 Intermediate Chinese I
  • CMDM 328 鈥 Intercultural Communication
  • ENGL 180TB: Making Romance
  • ENGL 180TI: Jane Goes to the Movies
  • ENGL 180TM: Screening the 19th Century
  • ENGL 180TN: Vampires in Fiction and Film
  • ENGL 190: Topics in World Anglophone Literature
  • ENGL 190TA: Native American Literature
  • ENGL 190TB: Native American Literature and Film
  • ENGL 280: British Literary Genealogies
  • GERM 111 Beginning German I
  • GERM 112 Beginning German II
  • GERM 140 Traditions in German Literature
  • GERM 200-level courses (various topics)
  • HIST 105 Premodern World
  • HIST 106 Modern World
  • HIST 111 Medieval Europe
  • HIST 170 Topics in African History
  • HIST 172 Africa Since 1500
  • HIST 173 History of S. Africa
  • HIST 175 Genocide Class
  • HIST 176 Lesotho and Apartheid
  • HIST 205 Topics in World History
  • HIST 206 Global Hist of Vietnam War
  • HIST 207 Latin America
  • HIST 240 Topics PreM Europe
  • HIST 241 Topics Mod Europe
  • HIST 251 Medieval Russia
  • HIST 252 Imperial Russia
  • HIST 253 Soviet Russia
  • HSS-240 Sport in Culture
  • MUSI 216 - Musics of the World
  • PSYC 221 - Psychology of Language
  • PSYC 271 - Psychology and Culture
  • RELI 110 鈥 Judaism, Christianity, & Islam
  • RELI 114 鈥 World Religion and Pilgrimage
  • RELI 134 鈥 Chinese & Japanese Religious Traditions
  • SOCI 201: Japanese Cinema: Art, Culture, Self
  • SOCI 220: Culture in the classroom
  • SOCI 110 Cultural Anthropology
  • SOCI 210 Sociology of Family
  • SOCI 245 Gender and Society
  • SOCI 271 Anime and Japanese Youth Culture
  • SOCI 315 Cultural Travel Writing
  • SPAN 111 Beginning Spanish I
  • SPAN 112 Beginning Spanish II
  • SPAN 130 Hispanic Literature
  • SPAN 200-level courses (various topics)
  •  THDN-210: Performance Ethnology 

Suggested experiential learning opportunities:

Study abroad:

  • Wittenberg faculty-led semester programs: Wittenberg in Wittenberg, Wittenberg in Costa Rica, Witt in Cape Town
  • Wittenberg faculty-led summer programs: Poland, Wittenberg, Lesotho, Bahamas
  • Additional study abroad opportunities through direct exchange, consortium, and other programs

Mass media includes the study of forms of communication that are created to be distributed to large and diverse audiences across multiple channels. Mass communication channels include, for example, magazines, newspapers, film, radio, television, and the Internet. Mass media are the primary means of communication used to reach the general public. 

Course offerings (choose three from three different departments)

  • BIOL 146 鈥 Biology on the big screen
  • CMDM 205 鈥 Media literacy
  • CMDM 120 鈥 Media effects
  • CMDM 151 鈥 Television history
  • CMDM 220--Podcasting: Digital Story
  • CMDM 351 鈥 Media law
  • HIST 301 --Rock & Roll Auto/Biograph
  • MUSI 214 鈥 Electronic Music Production
  • MUSI 215: Music in Film
  • POLI 236 鈥 Media and politics
  • RELI 116 鈥 Fake News, Forgeries, Frauds
  • SOCI 201 鈥 Japanese cinema: Art, Culture, Self
  • SOCI 215 鈥 Crime and the media
  • SOCI 213 鈥 Serial murder
  • SOCI 271 鈥 Anime and Japanese youth culture
  • SOCI 314 鈥 Women and crime

The Pre-Health Foundations CCC includes courses that provide foundational knowledge necessary as you prepare for a career in one of the health professions. Additionally, these courses serve as common pre-requisite courses for medical, dental, chiropractic, physician assistant, physical therapy, occupational therapy and other pre-health graduate programs.

Course offerings (Choose three from three different departments)

  • BIOL 215: Genetics
  • BIOL 227: Microbiology
  • BIOL 325: Human A&P I
  • BIOL 326: Human A&P II
  • CHEM 111: Introductory Chemistry for Health Sciences
  • CHEM 201: Organic Chemistry I
  • CMDM 327: Health Communication
  • ENGL 240: Introduction to Creative Writing
  • ENGL 335: Narrative Medicine
  • HSS 350: Gross Anatomy
  • NURS 240: Adult Health I
  • PHYS 201: Physics I
  • PHYS 202: Algebra-Based Physics II
  • POLI 203: The Politics of Health Care
  • PSYC 212: Health Psychology
  • PSYC 230: Lifespan Development
  • PSYC 351: Mental Health Practice
  • SOCI 101: Introduction to Sociology

Suggested experiential learning opportunities

  • CCUE 100 sites including the American Cancer Society, Autumn Trails Stable, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Oesterlen Services for Youth, Ohio鈥檚 Community Mercy Hospice, Rocking Horse Community Health Center, Springfield Regional Medical Center
  • Clinical internship in hospital, clinic, private practice or local health department
  • Mentored research

This theme will focus on issues related to family preservation and support, parents鈥 and children鈥檚 well-being, and the history and interrelationships of institutions like child care, schools, family services, social security, foster care, adoption, juvenile detention and prisons as they function within broader political and socioeconomic systems.

Course offerings (choose three from three different departments)

  • EDUC 103: Sociological Perspectives in Education
  • EDUC 104: Philosophical Perspectives in Education
  • HONR 300: Orphans! Adoption & Foster care
  • POLI 202: Comparative Political Economy [w/Comparative Welfare State component]
  • EDUC 372: Critical Pedagogy and Social Change
  • ECON-340: Public Finance
  • SOCI 214: Penology and Social Control
  • SOCI 285: Food Justice
  • SOCI 355: Juvenile Delinquency

Suggested experiential learning opportunities

  • CCUE 100 sites including Project Women, Springfield Foundation, or Springfield Promise Neighborhood

The most common definition of sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising future generations. Environmental sustainability asks students to consider their connection with and responsibilities toward the natural world, and to engage in ecological thinking about environmental systems and the interconnectedness of all life. Courses that count toward a Sustainability CCC may be sustainability-focused鈥攈ave sustainability as their primary subject鈥 or be sustainability-inclusive鈥 integrate aspects of sustainability throughout or as part of a course.

Course offerings (choose three from three different departments)

  • BIOL145: Intro. Wildlife Management
  • BIOL 148: Biology in a Changing World
  • BIOL 247: Marine Ecology
  • BIOL 346: Ecology
  • CMDM 363: Environmental Communication
  • ECON 350: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
  • ENGL-190TC ST: Trash Talk: Eco-Justice
  • ESCI 100: Global Climate Change
  • ESCI 101: Intro to Environmental Science
  • ESCI 280: Voices of Women in the Climate Crisis
  • GEOL 160: Environmental Geology
  • GERM 261: Umwelt: Natur und Kultur
  • GERM 362: Naturwissenschaften und Mythos: die Nachtseite der Naturwissenschaften
  • POLI 101: American National Government
  • POLI 251: International Relations
  • POLI 254: Global Environmental Politics
  • RELI 310: Religion, Nature, & the Environment
  • SOCI 280: Animals and Society
  • SOCI 285: Food Justice
  • SPAN 261: El Mundo F铆sico

Suggested experiential learning opportunities

Study Abroad Experiences: Students participating in the Witt in Costa Rica Program or in the Duke Marine Lab Program may also be able to count some courses in those programs toward a Sustainability CCC.

Students will gain technical skills through utilization of computer tools in a variety of settings. Courses will introduce and/or involve use of design, computational, analytical applications or software as a major component to the class itself. Students will gain experience working with such tools and explore how they can be used throughout all aspects of society.

Course offerings (choose three from three different departments):

  • ACCT 240: Accounting Information Systems
  • ART 145: Digital Imaging/Video/Animation
  • ART 245: Digital Imaging I
  • ART 271/280TA: Graphic Design
  • ART 280TB: Web Design
  • ART 346: Animation
  • BIOL 202: Principles of Evolution
  • BIOL 346: Ecology
  • BUSN 212: Business Research Methods
  • BUSN 315: Business Analytics
  • BUSN 343: Digital Marketing
  • CHEM 281: Analytical Chemistry
  • CMDM 220TF: Podcasting
  • COMP 150: Computer Programming I
  • COMP 250: Computer Programming II
  • DATA 209: R for Statistics
  • DATA 219: Intermediate R
  • DATA 227: Introductory Statistics
  • DATA 229: Intro to Data Science
  • DATA 327: Statistical Modeling
  • ECON 300: Econometrics
  • ECON 312: Fundamentals of Forecasting
  • ESCI-280TG ST: Environ Data Science in R.
  • ESCI 290: Intro to GIS
  • ESCI 291: Spatial Analysis Natural Sci
  • ESCI 292: Remote Sensing
  • ESCI 293: GPS and GSI
  • ESCI 294: GIS Applications
  • MUSI 214: Electronic Music Production
  • PHYS 201: Physics I
  • PHYS 202: Algebra-Based Physics II
  • PHYS 203: Calculus-Based Physics II
  • PHYS 320: Computational Physics
  • POLI 253: International Political Economy
  • POLI 260: Methodology
  • PSYC 202: Experimental Design

Suggested Experiential Learning Opportunities:

Internships or directed research that involve utilization of computer tools

Students will gain an understanding of diverse language structures and basic cross-cultural connections through their study of three distinct languages: Chinese, German, and Spanish.  Students will be introduced to writing systems, lexicons, phonetics, and unique forms of cultural expressions from global communities of Chinese, German, and Spanish-speakers. 

Courses (minimum of 3 different departments):   

  • CHIN 111, 112, or 200-level
  • GERM 111, 112, or 200-level
  • SPAN 111, 112, or 200-level

Suggested experiential learning opportunities that would complement the CCC: study abroad, participating in campus cultural events, community engagement or internships in which they work with immigrant and/or international communities.

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