
Strategic Planning Groups

Since late 2021 and in partnership with Credo Inc., multiple campus representatives have been engaged in planning for our shared future. Below are the guiding committees to move the strategic planning themes and goals forward.

Belong and Thrive

  • Casey Gill (Co-Chair), Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students
  • Cathy Pederson (Co-Chair), Professor of Biology
  • Sally Brannan, Professor of Education
  • Bronwen Gainsford, Head Coach Field Hockey
  • Holly Gersbacher, Director of Alumni & Lifelong Engagement
  • Becky Kocher, Vice President of Advancement & Alumni Relations
  • Mike Mattison, Professor of English, Associate Provost
  • Carol Nickoson, Associate Director of Human Resources

Engage and Excel

  • Bret Billhardt, Senior Associate Director of Athletics Operations
  • Jon Duraj, Assistant Vice President for Student Development and Senior Associate Dean of Students
  • Scott Rosenberg, Professor of History
  • Katie Warber, Professor of Communication & Digital Media
  • Rob Young, Vice President for Finance and Administration

Compete and Win

  • Brian Agler (Co-Chair), Vice President and Director of Athletics & Recreation
  • Rachel Wilson (Co-Chair), Associate Professor of Business & Economics
  • Kristina Devine, Assistant Vice President for Advancement
  • Kelsey Ellis, Director of Admission
  • Karen Gerboth, Vice President of Marketing & Communications
  • Noah Lamb, Assistant Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dan McDermitt, Director of Facilities Management
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