
#WittHistory: College Songs & Yells

In the 1920s, The Students' Handbook of Wittenberg College provided an introduction to the college and its traditions.

Advice pages called "A WISE FRESHMAN MAN WILL" and "A WISE FRESHMAN WOMAN WILL" both began with this admonition: "Learn the college songs and yells at once."

Among those songs and yells, this is my favorite:


Don't send my boy to Wesleyan
    A dying mother said,
Don't send my boy to O.S.U.,
    I'd rather he were dead.
But send my boy to Wittenberg,
    'Tis better than Cornell,
And rather than to Denison
    I'd see my boy in --- Vassar.

Source: The Students' Handbook of Wittenberg College, 1927-1928, Hazel M. Messimore, editor-in-chief.

About The Project

With Wittenberg now celebrating its 175th year, and the University unable to hold regular in-person classes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Professor of History Thomas T. Taylor has started circulating several pieces on Wittenberg's history. Some originated in earlier series, either This Month in Wittenberg History or Happy Birthday Wittenberg. Others have their origin in the Wittenberg History Project or in some other, miscellaneous project. Sincerest thanks to Professor Taylor for connecting alumni, faculty, staff, and students through a historic lens.

Looking Back: Historical Briefs by Professor Thomas Taylor

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