
Homecoming Tailgate FAQ

Where can my tailgate attendees park?

  • There will only be one parking spot associated with each tailgate spot purchase. All other guests will need to park in other locations on campus.

Can my reunion class host a tailgate?

  • Yes! We work with classmates from all reunion classes to ensure that each group celebrating a milestone year has a spot at the Tiger Tailgate.

Can anyone host a tailgate?

  • Absolutely! All alumni, student, campus community, and Springfield community groups are welcome at the tailgate.

I completed the form. How do I know if I have a spot?

  • After the form is submitted, you will see a message - "We look forward to seeing you at the tailgate on October 5th!" The message is your guarantee that your registration has been received and your spot is reserved.

What should I bring to the tailgate?

  • Local food trucks will be available, and Founders Outpost will be serving beverages. Please have your ID. You may bring give-a-ways, snacks, and drinks. Fires are not permitted.
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