

As the end of our time here becomes more near, it is becoming clear that there is a struggle to keep our minds and hearts in the present. There is talk of what horribly greasy and calorie-filled food we will eat first when we reach home. We all know the names of  our classmates’ pets and partners at home. We talk reminiscently like soldiers finding comfort in letting others know just a little of our home waiting for us. Even the introduction of wifi has reminded us that this journey was not just a time and financial sacrifice, but also a sacrifice of not being with those we hold most dear. Thanks to every parent that also sacrificed by allowing their children to be so far away. Y’all made this wonderful experience possible.

Despite a touch of homesickness, the Witt group has been staying active while in Lesotho. Today we took about a forty minute drive to visit an orphanage. There, we built the playground in record time, planted fruit trees to help the orphanage become more self sufficient, and painted colorful pictures on the walls of the orphanage. I believe all this work was made possible through the teamwork that has developed among this group.

A couple of us have already been asked by loved ones about how this trip has transformed our lives or we are asked to tell our most heartwarming moment. I think we are realizing that these short questions can only be half addressed by long responses and countless pictures. This trip has been full of sad, happy, and beautiful moments– too many to convey in one sitting. I think some of us are still processing just how this trip has changed us and don’t want to short change the experience we have had or the generous people we have met. While some of the Lesotho people have admitted to having obstacles in their lives, I have yet to witness or hear of a person who did not offer a smile and kind words. I hope that when I get back to the States I can look past my own obstacles and show kindness.

We are all seeing the king tomorrow and are freaking out about what to wear.

Thanks for reading and see you sooner than later,


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