
Chapter 14: Thank You Ntholeng

Kayla's Story: Thank You Ntholeng. Have you ever heard the quote, "You are only given one life but if you play your cards right one life is enough." For years I have tossed this quote around in my head but never truly grasped what it meant.

At first I thought life was about accomplishing everything that I want to do. I want to travel with my family. I want to impact lives by becoming a teacher. I want to have a loving family of my own to come home to and enjoy life with. But life always seemed too short because I had so many things that I want to do. After coming to Lesotho, I think that I have finally begun to realize the deeper meaning of this quote. The Basotho have taught me how to life life to the fullest by finding the good in every circumstance. One smile from a child can make the the scorching heat of the day seem to fade away. One laugh can make your heart melt like an icicle at the start of spring. One small life can make your realize that it's not the time that matters it's what you do with the time you have.

As I was hopelessly preparing my mind to leave the beautiful kids in Ramabanta a young girl named Ntholeng came and cuddled up next to me. Fearlessly she began to pour out her heart to me and explain her daily life in Lesotho. Wow, how different daily life is here. After sitting there for a few minutes in silence breathing in the pre-rain air we began to dance and play. Time seemed to stand still. The joy in her eyes made everything seem so lively and peaceful. This one small encounter taught me that despite your situation you need to find the beauty in every moment or life will continue to fly by. If you play your cards right and are able to find happiness your life will be enough. So as we settle into our new homes in Roma and listen to the ringing of celebrations left over from last night I challenge you to find what made you happy this past year as well as what you look forward to in 2016. How will you make this one life enough? As for me, I look forward to continuing to find the good in every situation and sharing this positive state of mind with others so that they too can play their cards right to make this one life enough. I also aspire to live a fearless life just like Ntholeng.

Happy New Year everyone! Make this year memorable!

As for my family and friends I love you all so much! I cant wait to come home and hug you guys!


Kayla Winn 


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