
Jeffrey Brookings, Ph.D.

Jeffrey Brookings Professor Emeritus
Personality Psychology, Psychological Testing

Dr. Brookings earned his B.A. at Louisiana Technical University and his M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Arkansas. He joined the Wittenberg faculty in 1979. He has received the Omicron Delta Kappa Award for Excellence in Teaching at Wittenberg and the R. H. Waters teaching award at the University of Arkansas. Professor of Psychology, he teaches courses in community psychology, industrial/organizational psychology,  psychology of personality, and psychological testing. His research concerns personality and vocational interest measurement, psychometrics, eating disorders, and sexual assault.

Dr. Brookings has taken his knowledge to help co-author two manuals about battered woman and sexual assault, Helping Battered Women and If She Is Raped. 

Dr. Brookings is also very interested in the relationship between pet and owner personalities. He has explored this area with his 400 level research classes. This interest stems from his love of dogs. Talan, pictured below, is one of Dr. Brookings dogs. Talan has been trained, and travels to different hospitals to visit the patients.



  • Brookings, J. B., Zembar, M. J., & Hochstetler, G. M. (2003). An interpersonal circumplex/five-factor analysis of the Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire. Personality and Individual Differences, 34, 449-461.
  • Brookings, J. B., & Serratelli, A. (2006). Postive illusions: positively correlated with subjective well-being, negatively correlated with personal growth. Psychological Reports, 98, 407-413.
  • Brookings, J. B., deRoo, H., & Grimone, J. (2008). Predicting driving anger from trait aggression and self-control. Psychological Reports, 103, 622-624. 
  • Eichenauer, K., Feltz, G., Wilson, J., & Brookings, J. (2010). Measuring psychosocial risk factors in cardiac rehabilitation: Validation fo the Psychosocial Risk Factor Survey. Journal of Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 30, 1-10. 
  • Brookings, J. B., & Beilstein, C. D. (2010). An interpersonal circumplex/five-factor model of analysis of the Eating Disorders Inventory-3. Applied Multivariate Research, 13, 161-174. 


  • Brookings, J. B., Brown, C. E., & Asta, E. L. (2008, May). An item factor analysis of seven racism scales. Presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Gerace, A., & Brookings, J. (2008, May). Does glucose buffer the effects of self-regulation depletion?  Presented at the Association for Psychological Science annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Pretz, J. E., & Brookings, J. B. (2008, July). Development of theTypes of Intuition Scale (TIntS). Presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
  • Brookings, J. B. (2009, May). Psychometric properties of the briefSelf-Control Scale. Presented at the Midwestern PsychologicalAssociation annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Pretz, J. E., & Brookings, J. B. (2009, July). Development and Preliminary Validation of the Types of Intuition Scale(TIntS). Presented at the meeting of the Association for Research in Personality, Evanston, IL. 
  • Brookings, J. B., & Pretz, J. E. (2010, May). A confirmatory factor analysis of the Rational-Experiential Inventory.  Presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • McNutt, C., & Brookings, J. B. (2010, August). The effects of neighborhood disorder and moderator variables on individuals.Presented at the American Psychological Association annual meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • Brookings, J. B. (2011, April).  A tale of two Tims: The professional and cultural  legacies of Timothy Leary.Invited address at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Multivariate Research, San Antonio, TX.
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